Aveiro: Stories and Values
This map allows you to interact with it and submit stories and values about a specific location. The aim is to identify key stories and values, map them and ensure they are considered in project development.
We want to learn about your experiences!
Use the layer control on the map
to display the study area for mapping places.
Aveiro: Challenges
This map allows you to interact with it and highlight challenges in the area, such as social, environmental, infrastructure, economic, or other issues.
The goal is to identify key challenges, map them, and ensure they are considered during the project's development.
Use the layer control on the map
to display the study area for mapping places.
Aveiro: Opportunities
This map allows you to propose potential solutions or opportunities that could positively contribute to the area's transformation.
The goal is to identify, map, and ensure that the key opportunities and solutions you propose are integrated into the project's development.
Use the layer control on the map
to display the study area for mapping places.